Lifer-Line is a free, monthly publication of usually 6 - 8 pages, sent via email to more than 3300 email addresses of family and friends of lifers, who we hope will read the newsletter themselves, before printing and mailing it to their prisoner.
Lifer-Line covers new laws, policies and procedures affecting lifers, LWOP and long-term inmates along with some current events regarding parole suitability and successful re-entry into society.
California Lifer Newsletter is the oldest and most comprehensive publication devoted to lifers. Published Quarterly, the 50-60 page newsletter covers current court cases and decisions affecting lifers as well as new laws and policies from CDCR. Available by paid subscription only, It is mailed directly to lifers in all California prisons. Subscription rates are as follows:
Prisoners, 1 year = $35.
Prisoners, 2 year = $60.
Free Person 1 year = $99.
Combo, 1 Free; 1 Prisoner = $120.
We make special arrangements with Public service agencies and prison law libraries.
Contact us by email for details.
Our Newsletters
Office of Victim & Survivor Rights & Services
P.O. Box 942883
Sacramento, CA. 94283
(877) 256-6877
1515 S Street
Sacramento, CA. 95811
(916) 445-1773
Board of Parole Hearings
P.O. Box 4036
Sacramento, CA. 95812-4036
(916) 445-4072
California Correctional Healh Care
P.O. Box 588500
Elk Grove, CA. 95758
(916) 691-0209
225 Cedar
San Diego, Ca. 92101
1917 5th St.
Berkeley, Ca. 94710
(510) 280-2621
(look up by name or CDCR #)
Los Angeles, (213) 955-5885
Sacramento, (916) 942-9080
*** Legislative Bill information ***
*** Find Your Legislators ***
*** Senate Committees ***
*** Assembly Committees ***
*** Governor’s office Website ***
California Coalition of Women Prisoners
1540 Market St. #490
San Francisco, Ca. 54102
415-255-7036 ext. 4
Legal Services for Prisoners with Children
4400 Market Street
Oakland, CA 94608
(415) 255-7036
Fax (415) 552-3150
Services for Incarcerated Veterans (CalVet)
Lifer Attorneys
Michael Beckman
Attorney at Law
3435 Ocean Park Blvd. #107
P.M.B. 477
Santa Monica, CA. 90405
Contact Number
1 (310) 394-3138
Collect calls accepted
Marc Eric Norton
Attorney at Law
9780 Blacks St.
Zamora, CA. 95698
Contact Number
1 (530) 669-7999
Collect calls accepted
Jared Eisenstat
Attorney at Law
5222 E Los Altos Plaza,
Long Beach, CA. 90815
Contact Number
1 (562) 415-8369
Collect calls accepted
Benjamin Ramos
Attorney at Law
705 E. Bidwell St. #2
Folsom, CA. 95630
Contact Number
1 (916) 358-9842
Diane Letarte
Attorney at Law
1080 Park Blvd. Ste. 1008
San Diego, CA. 92101
Contact Number
1 (619) 233-3688
Collect calls accepted
Jeffry Charles Champlin
Attorney at Law
P.O. Box 863
Coalinga, CA. 93210-0863
Contact Number
1 (831) 392-6810
Collect calls accepted